Passive toys are open-ended toys. By themselves, they do nothing. They become interesting and fun only when a child interacts with them. That is why they ignite the imagination!
Raising a Perfectionist
Gaining Self-Control
OH NO, GEORGE! by Chris Haughton is an adorable book about self-control. George really wants to make the right decision and behave, but does he? This is the perfect little book to read with young children to start a conversation about the fact that we are our choices. We choose how we behave.
Before we gain self-control, we behave on instinct and emotion.
How to Grow a Nature-Lover
Working It Out
Encouraging Cooperation
Sensory Rich Experiences
The Gratitude Mindset
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” ~William Arthur Ward
Gratitude is crucial to our well-being and our social lives. Research from a study published in the Journal of Research in Personality found that “Over time, gratitude leads to lower stress and depression and higher levels of social support.”
As parents, we need to bring gratitude into our own lives and set a good example.
Benefits of Boredom
Nature Time
One of my favorite parts of working with young families is watching them grow closer together. I love to hear stories of how one little tweak improved the quality of their family’s interactions, and I ALWAYS appreciate when they take the time to share their stories with me. Jasmine recently took the time to share her story, and it made me so happy, I wanted to share it here. She said:
Let Children Be Free
Raising Readers
Doing it Right!
Wherever I go, I can’t help but notice the interactions between parents and children. It’s an occupational hazard, I guess. It’s not that I judge them—I have not forgotten what it’s like to raise two boys—it’s just that family interactions stand out to me, like misspelled words on a page.
I had the good fortune of being present to watch a beautiful interaction unfold between my friend and her almost-5-year-old daughter the other day.
A Balanced Life
Creative Thinking
A Different Perspective
Wonderful Work
Celebrate the Twos!
Guide Your Child
Take a minute to think about your good friends. When you choose a friend, do you look for someone who:
•Does not recognize her own value as a person?•Does not believe in himself or his abilities?•Cannot restrain her strong emotions and actions?•Does not feel thankful for what he has?
NO? Then remember that these mindsets and abilities are formed from a very young age and have everything to do with how we choose to discipline our children.