Passive Toys Make Active Learners


Passive toys are open-ended toys. By themselves, they do nothing. They become interesting and fun only when a child interacts with them. That is why they ignite the imagination! There is no right or wrong way to use them and this allows children to think out of the box, to make choices, to become flexible and motivated by their inner inspiration. 

Toys that have batteries and screens, ones that beep or light up, are usually limited and simply entertain the child as he/she just sits there and does very little. The child’s brain is not activated in the same way it is when it has to imagine, problem-solve, and pretend. There are no creative limitations with open-ended play, and that is why children stay engaged longer and love them best! 

So, if you’re looking for ideas, here is a list of some of the best toys for young children:

Wooden blocks, magnet blocks, colorful builders like K’nex or Legos, boxes of all sizes, items from nature (think sticks, rocks, leaves...), kitchen utensils and dishes, pots and pans, pretend food, animal toys, dolls and figurines, barns or dollhouses, toy vehicles, scarves, dress up clothes, and any sensory items (such as kinetic sand, play dough, water beads...).